
Manca poco al via del Campionato Europeo di Pattinaggio Artistico 2019


Il Countdown per l’edizione 2019 del Campionato Europeo di Pattinaggio Artistico, che si svolgerà alla Icesport Arena, Eishallenweg, 21698 Harsefeld, Germania, pista di 25x45 in cemento, è quasi agli sgoccioli.

Tra poche ore, infatti, la temibile armata azzurra, agli ordini del CT Fabio Hollan, partirà in direzione Amburgo (Germania) con l’intento di migliorare i già ottimi risultati ottenuti nella passata edizione della manifestazione e di mantenere la vetta del medagliere continentale.

Nell’attesa di vedere le gesta dei nostri beniamini, anche in live streaming su, pubblichiamo di seguito l’ultimo aggiornamento del programma della manifestazione continentale:

FRIDAY, 30/08/2019

Training Day of Cadet & Youth

08.00 - 09.30 Cadet: Figures Ladies & Men - SIDE RINK 1

                      Youth: Figures Ladies & Men - SIDE RINK 2

09.30 - 09.50 Cadet: Couples Dance Compulsory Dances Gr.1 *

09.50 - 10.10 Cadet: Couples Dance Compulsory Dances Gr.2 *

10.10 - 10.30 Youth: Couples Dance Compulsory Dances *

10.30 - 10.55 Cadet: Couples Dance Free Dance Gr.1 *

10.55 - 11.20 Cadet: Couples Dance Free Dance Gr.2 *

11.20 - 11.45 Youth: Couples Dance Free Dance *

11.45 - 12.10 Cadet: Pairs Short Programme *

12.10 - 12.35 Youth: Pairs Short Programme *

12.35 - 13.20 Cadet: Figures Ladies & Men - SIDE RINK 1

                      Youth: Figures Ladies & Men - SIDE RINK 2

13.20 - 18.40 Freeskating programme Quad training by nations in order of draw: 5-7 skaters in each group (40 min.) O

18.40 – 19.20 Training In-Line Cadet Ladies – all participants 40 min. O

19.20 – 20.00 Training In-Line Youth Ladies – all participants 40 min. O

20.00 – 20.40 Training In-Line Junior Ladies – all participants 40 min. O

20.40 – 21.20 Training In-Line Senior Men & Ladies – all participants 40 min. O

* = Training with music

O = Training with music Short programme OR Long Programme

SATURDAY, 31/08/2019


08.00 – 08.20 Cadet: Figures Ladies & Men (in two groups of 10 min. each)

08.20 Competition Cadet : Figures Ladies & Men (exp.8+6) - End near 11.10 - 2h50


08.00 – 08.20 Youth : Figures Ladies & Men (in two groups of 10 min. each)

08.20 Competition Youth: Figures Ladies & Men (exp.9 +2) - End near 10.45 - 2h25

NOTE: In both Panel/Competitions Figures will be follow: First Figure ladies followed from first

figure Men, etc. etc. Between Second and Third Figure will have the training in two groups of 10 min. each

Follow by Medal ceremony: Cadet : Figures Ladies / Cadet: Figures Men

Youth : Figures Ladies / Youth : Figures Men

11.45 - 12.05 Cadet: Couples Dance Compulsory Dances *

12.05 - 12.25 Cadet: Couples Dance Compulsory Dances *

12.25 - 12.45 Youth: Couples Dance Compulsory Dances *

12.45 - 13.10 Cadet : Short Pairs *

13.10 - 13.35 Youth: Short Pairs *

13.35 – 14.00 Cadet In-Line Short Programme L *

14.00 – 14.25 Youth In-Line Short Programme L *

14.25 – 14.50 Junior In-Line Short Programme M/L *

14.50 – 15.15 Senior In-Line Short Programme M/L *

15.15 - 15.30 Youth: Ladies Freeskating XX (1-7 from the SP draw)

15.30 - 15.45 Youth: Ladies Freeskating XX (8-14 from the SP draw)

15.45 - 16.00 Youth: Men Freeskating XX All skaters

16.00 - 16.15 Cadet: Ladies Freeskating XX (1-7 from the SP draw)

16.15 - 16.30 Cadet: Ladies Freeskating XX (8-13 from the SP draw)

16.30 - 16.45 Cadet: Ladies Freeskating XX (14-19 from the SP draw)

16.45 – 17.00 Cadet: Men Freeskating XX All skaters

17.00 - 17.15 Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

17.15 Competition Youth: short programme Pairs (exp.4) 0h35

Follow (near 17.50) Competition Cadet : Couples Dance Compulsary Dances (exp.6) 1h15

Follow (near 19.05) Competition Cadet: short programme Pairs (exp.4) 0h35

Follow (near 19.40) Competition Youth: Couples Dance Compulsary Dances (exp.4) 0h50

Follow (near 20.30) Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

Follow (near 20.45) Competition Cadet: In-Line short programme Ladies (exp.5) 0h35

Follow (near 21.20) Competition Youth: In-Line short programme Ladies (exp.5) 0h35

Follow (near 21.55) Competition Junior: In-Line short progr. Ladies (exp.3) 0h25

Follow (near 22.20) Competition Senior: In-line short progr. Men & Ladies (exp.1+3) 0h30

End of the day 22.50

End of each categories draw will take place for the long programme/Free dance.

* = Training with music - divided from order of skating XX = Training without music - divided from order of skating Short Programme

SUNDAY, 01/09/2019

07.30 - 07.50 Youth: Couples Dance Free Dance *

07.50 - 08.10 Cadet: Couples Dance Free Dance *

08.10 - 08.30 Cadet: Couples Dance Free Dance *

08.30 - 08.55 Cadet: Short Programme Ladies * (1-7 from the SP draw)

08.55 - 09.20 Cadet: Short Programme Ladies * (8-13 from the SP draw)

09.20 - 09.45 Cadet: Short Programme Ladies * (14-19 from the SP draw)

09.45 - 10.05 Cadet: Short Programme Men *

10.05 - 10.25 Cadet: Short Programme Men *

10.25 - 10.50 Youth: Short programme Ladies * (1-7 from the SP draw)

10.50 - 11.15 Youth: Short programme Ladies * (8-14 from the SP draw)

11.15 – 11.40 Youth: Short Programme Men * All skaters

11.40 - 12.05 Cadet: Long Programme Pairs *

12.05 - 12.30 Youth: Long Programme Pairs *

12.30 – 12.55 Cadet In-Line Long Programme L *

12.55 – 13.20 Youth In-Line Long Programme L *

13.20 – 13.30 Junior In-Line Long Programme M/L XX

13.30 – 13.40 Senior In-Line Long Programme M/L XX

13.40 - 14.00 Cleaninig of the rink 15 min.

13.40 Competition Cadet : Short Programme Ladies (exp.19) 2h05

Follow (near 15.45) Competition Cadet : Short programme Men (exp.8) 0h55

Follow (near 16.40) Competition Youth: Short programme Ladies (exp.14) 1h35

Follow (near 18.15 - 18.30) Cleaninig of the rink 15 min.

Follow (near 18.30) Competition Youth: Short programme Men (exp.7) 0h45

Follow (near 19.15) Competition Cadet: Long Programme Pairs (exp.4) 0h45

Follow (near 20.00) Competition Youth : Long Programme Pairs (exp.4) 0h45

Follow (near 20.45) Competition Cadet: Couples Dance Free Dance (exp.6) 0h55

Follow (near 21.40) Competition Cadet: In-Line Long progr. Ladies (exp.5) 0h45

Follow (near 22.25) Competition Youth: In-Line Long progr. Ladies (exp.5) 0h45

Follow by Medal ceremony: Cadet: In-Line L

                                                  Youth: In-Line L

                                                  Cadet: Pairs

                                                  Cadet: Couples Dance

                                                  Youth: Pairs

End of the day 23.45

End of each categories draw will take place for the long programme/Free dance.

* = Training with music - divided from order of skating.

XX = Training without music - divided from order of skating Long Programme

MONDAY, 02/09/2019

06.40 - 07.15 Cadet : Long programme Ladies * (1-7 from the LP draw)

07.15 - 07.50 Cadet : Long programme Ladies * (8-13 from the LP draw)

07.50 - 08.25 Cadet : Long programme Ladies * (14-19 from the LP draw)

08.25 - 08.50 Cadet : Long programme Men *

08.50 - 09.15 Cadet : Long programme Men *

09.15 - 09.55 Youth : long programme Ladies * (1-7 from the LP draw)

09.55 - 10.35 Youth : long programme Ladies * (8-14 from the LP draw)

10.35 - 11.15 Youth: long programme Men * All skaters

11.15 - 11.35 Youth: Couples Dance Free Dance *

11.35 – 12.05 Junior: In-Line Long Programme M/L *

12.05 – 12.35 Senior: In-Line Long Programme M/L *

12.35 - 12.50 Cleaning of the rink

12.50 Competition Cadet: Long programme Ladies (exp.19) 2h45

Follow (near 15.35) Competition Cadet: Long programme Men (exp.9) 1h20

Follow (near 16.55 - 17.10) Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

Follow (near 17.10) Competition Youth : Long programme Ladies (exp.14) 2h10

Follow (near 19.20) Competition Youth : Long Programme Men (exp.7) 1h05

Follow By Welcome Ceremony 0h40

(near 20.25) Cadet – Youth & Junior - Senior

Follow by Medal Ceremony: Cadet: Free skating Ladies

                           (near 21.00) Cadet: Free skating Men

                           Youth : free skating Ladies

                           Youth: Free skating Men

Follow (near 21.30 - 21.45) Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

Follow (near 21.45) Competition Youth : Couples Dance Free Dance (exp.6) 0h55

Follow (near 22.40) Competition Junior: In-Line Long progr. Ladies (exp.3) 0h35

Follow (near 23.05) Competition Senior: In-line Long progr. Men & Ladies (exp.1+3) 0h40

Follow by Medal Ceremony: Youth : Couples Danse

                                                Junior: In-Line M/L

                                                Senior: In-Line M/L

End of the day 00.25

* = Training with music - divided from order of skating

TUESDAY, 03/09/2019

Training Day of Junior & Senior

08.00 - 09.00 Junior: Figures Ladies & Men – SIDE RINK 1

Senior Figures Ladies & Men – SIDE RINK 2

09.00 - 09.25 Junior: Pairs **

09.25 - 09.50 Senior: Pairs **

09.50 - 15.10 long programme training by nations in order of draw: 5-7 skaters in each group - 40 min. per group. **

15.10 - 15.25 Cleaning of the Rink

15.25 - 16.10 Junior: Figures Ladies & Men – SIDE RINK 1

                      Senior Figures Ladies & Men – SIDE RINK 2

16.10 - 16.40 Junior: Couples Dance Free Dance OR Style Dance O

16.40 - 17.05 Senior: Couples Dance Free Dance OR Style Dance Gr.1 O

17.05 - 17.30 Senior: Couples Dance Free Dance OR Style Dance Gr.2 O

17.30 - 17.55 Junior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Ladies Gr.1 O

17.55 - 18.20 Junior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Ladies Gr.2 O

18.20 - 18.45 Junior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Ladies Gr.3 O

18.45 - 19.15 Junior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Men O

19.15 - 19.30 Cleaning of the Rink

19.30 - 19.55 Senior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Ladies Gr.1 O

19.55 - 20.20 Senior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Ladies Gr.2 O

20.20 - 20.45 Senior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Ladies Gr.3 O

20.45 - 21.10 Senior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Ladies Gr.4 O

21.10 - 21.35 Senior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Men Gr.1 O

21.35 - 22.00 Senior: Free OR Style Dance Solo Dance Men Gr.2 O

Cleaning of the Rink

** = Training with music Short programme OR Long Programme.

O = Training with music Free Dance OR Style Dance.

WEDNESDAY, 04/09/2019


08.00 – 08.20 Junior: Figures Ladies & Men (20 min. of training in two groups)

08.20 Competition Junior : Figures Ladies & Men (exp.12+2) - End near 10.50


08.00 – 08.20 Senior : Figures Ladies & Men (20 min. of training in two groups)

08.20 Competition Senior: Figures Ladies (exp.11+5) - End near 11.05

NOTE: In both Panel/Competitions Figures will be follow: First Figure ladies followed from first

figure Men, etc. etc. Between First and Second Figure will have the training in two groups of 10 min. each

Follow by Medal ceremony: Junior: Figure Ladies - Junior: Figure Men

                                                Senior: Figure Ladies - Senior: Figure Men

11.45 - 12.05 Junior: Style dance Ladies *

12.05 - 12.25 Junior: Style dance Ladies *

12.25 - 12.45 Junior: Style dance Ladies *

12.45 - 13.10 Junior: Style Dance Men *

13.10 - 13.30 Junior: Pairs Short Programme *

13.30 - 13.55 Senior: Couples Dance Style Dance *

13.55 - 14.20 Senior: Couples Dance Style Dance *

14.20 - 14.35 Cleaning of the rink

14.35 - 14.50 Senior: Pairs Short Programme XX

14.50 - 15.05 Junior: Couples Dance Style Dance XX

15.05 - 15.20 Senior: Style Dance Ladies XX (1 to 7 from SD draw)

15.20 - 15.35 Senior: Style Dance Ladies XX (8 to 13 from SD draw)

15.35 - 15.50 Senior: Style Dance Ladies XX (14 to 19 from SD draw)

15.50 - 16.05 Senior: Style Dance Men XX

16.05 - 16.20 Senior: Style Dance Men XX

16.20 - 16.35 Junior: Ladies XX (1 to 8 from SP draw)

16.35 - 16.50 Junior: Ladies XX (9 to 16 from SP draw)

16.50 - 17.05 Junior: Men XX (all of SP)

17.05 - 17.20 Senior: Ladies XX (1 to 8 from SP draw)

17.20 - 17.35 Senior: Ladies XX (9-15 from SP draw)

17.35 - 17.50 Senior: Men XX (all of SP)

17.50 - 18.05 Cleaning of the rink

18.05 Competition Junior: Solo Dance Style Dance Ladies (exp.14) 1h35

Follow (near 19.40) Competition Junior: Solo Dance Style Dance Men (exp.6) 0h40

Follow (near 20.20) Competition Junior: short programme Pairs (exp.3) 0h30

Follow (near 20.50) Competition Senior: Dance Couples Style Dance (exp.7) 1h00

* = Training WITH music / divided from order of skating /XX = Training WITHOUT music - divided from order of skating

End of each categories draw will take place for the long programme/Free dance.

THURSDAY, 05/09/2019

08.00 - 08.25 Junior: Short Programme Ladies *

08.25 - 08.50 Junior: Short Programme Ladies *

08.50 - 09.15 Junior: Short Programme Ladies *

09.15 - 09.35 Junior: Short Programme Men *

09.35 - 09.55 Junior: Short Programme Men *

09.55 - 10.15 Senior: Style dance Ladies *

10.15 - 10.35 Senior: Style dance Ladies *

10.35 - 10.55 Senior: Style dance Ladies *

10.55 - 11.15 Senior: Style dance Ladies *

11.15 - 11.40 Senior: Style Dance Men *

11.40 - 12.00 Senior: Style Dance Men *

12.00 - 12.25 Junior: Couples Dance Style Dance *

12.25 - 12.45 Senior: Pairs Short Programme *

12.45 - 13.10 Senior: Short programme Ladies *

13.10 - 13.35 Senior: Short programme Ladies *

13.35 - 14.00 Senior: Short programme Ladies *

14.00 - 14.15 Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

14.15 Competition Junior: short programme Ladies (exp.16) 1h50

Follow (near 16.05) Competition Junior: Short Programme Men (exp.7) 0h45

Follow (near 16.50) Competition Junior: Dance Couples Style Dance (exp.5) 0h45

Follow (near 17.35) Competition Senior: Solo Dance Style Dance Ladies (exp.19) 2h05

Follow (near 19.40 - 19.55) Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

Follow (near 19.55) Competition Senior: Solo Dance Style Dance Men (exp.11) 1h15

Follow (near 21.10) Competition Senior: Short programme Pairs (exp.2) 0h20

Follow (near 21.30) Competition Senior: Short programme Ladies (exp.15) 1h40

End of the day 23.10

* = Training WITH music / divided from order of skating

End of each categories draw will take place for the long programme/Free dance.

FRIDAY, 06/09/2019

07.40 – 08.05 Junior: Long programme Men *

08.05 - 08.30 Junior: Long programme Men *

08.30 - 08.55 Junior: Long programme Ladies *

08.55 - 09.25 Junior: Long programme Ladies *

09.25 - 09.55 Junior: Long programme Ladies *

09.55 - 10.20 Junior: Pairs Long Programme *

10.20 - 10.45 Junior: Free Solo dance Ladies *

10.45 - 11.10 Junior: Free Solo dance Ladies *

11.10 - 11.35 Junior: Free Solo dance Ladies *

11.35 - 12.05 Junior: Free Solo dance Men *

12.05 - 12.25 Senior: Short Programme Men *

12.25 - 12.45 Senior: Short programme Men *

12.45 - 13.10 Senior: Couples Dance Free dance *

13.10 - 13.35 Junior: Couples Dance Free dance *

13.35 - 13.50 Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

13.50 Competition Junior: Long Programme Men (exp.7) 1h10

Follow (near 15.00) Competition Junior: Long programme Ladies (exp.16) 2h35

Follow (near 17.35) Competition Junior: Long Programme Pairs (exp.3) 0h35

Follow (near 18.10) Competition Junior: Free Solo dance Ladies (exp.14) 1h50

Follow (near 20.00 - 20.15) Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

Follow (near 20.15) Competition Junior: Free Solo dance Men (exp.6) 0h50

Follow (near 21.05) Competition Senior: Short Programme Men (exp.8) 0h55

Follow (near 22.00) Competition Senior: Couples Dance Free Dance (exp.7) 1h10

Follow by Medal ceremony: Junior: Free skating Ladies

                          (near 23.10) Junior : Free Men

                                               Senior: Couples Dance

                                              Junior: Pairs

                                              Junior: Solo Dance Ladies

                                             Junior: Solo Dance Men

* = Training WITH music / divided from order of skating /XX = Training WITHOUT music - divided from order of skating

End of each categories draw will take place for the long programme/Free dance.

SATURDAY, 07/09/2019

07.45 - 08.15 Senior: Long programme Ladies *

08.15 - 08.45 Senior: Long programme Ladies *

08.45 - 09.15 Senior: Long programme Ladies *

09.15 - 09.40 Senior: Free Solo Dance Ladies *

09.40 - 10.05 Senior: Free Solo Dance Ladies *

10.05 - 10.30 Senior: Free Solo Dance Ladies *

10.30 - 10.55 Senior: Free Solo Dance Ladies *

10.55 - 11.20 Senior: Pairs Long Programme *

11.20 - 11.50 Junior: Couples Dance Free dance *

11.50 - 12.15 Senior: Long programme Men *

12.15 - 12.40 Senior: Long programme Men *

12.40 - 13.10 Senior: Free Solo Dance Men *

13.10 - 13.35 Senior: Free Solo Dance Men *

13.35 - 13.50 Cleaning of the rink 20 min

13.50 Competition Senior: Long programme Ladies (exp.15) 2h25

Follow (near 16.15) Competition Senior: Free Solo dance Ladies (exp.19) 2h30

Follow (near 18.45 - 19.00) Cleaning of the rink 15 min.

Follow (near 19.00) Competition Senior: Pairs Long Programme (exp.2) 0h25

Follow (near 19.25) Competition Junior: Couples Dance Free Dance (exp.5) 0h55

Follow (near 20.20) Competition Senior: Long programme Men (exp.8) 1h20

Follow (near 21.40) Competition Senior: Free Solo dance Men (exp11) 1h25

Follow by Medal Ceremony : Senior : Free Ladies

                            (near 23.05) Senior : Free Men

                                                 Senior : Pairs

                                                 Junior : Couples Dance

                                                 Senior : Solo Dance Ladies

                                                 Senior : Solo Dance Men

End of the day 23.45

* = Training with music - divided from order of skating

!!! Changes to the programme are possible !!!


Ricordiamo, quindi, che:

  • il programma dell'European Championships Artistic Roller Skating 2019 Harsefeld è consultabile/scaricabile qui;
  • il live streaming dell’evento è disponibile qui;
  • i risultati della manifestazione saranno consultabili qui e/o qui ;
  • per ogni altra info sull’edizione 2019 della manifestazione continentale clicca qui.